Friday, April 8, 2011

So what comes next?

Today a few of us took a drive to Kentville to have a look at a couple churches to begin sparking ideas.  It was a good time to begin talking about the building process and start thinking about what our next steps should be.  We stopped at New Hope Wesleyan and Centreville Baptist.  They are very different buildings, yet there were aspects of both of them that were appealing as well as some things that would probably not work well in our situation.  We also got a feel for what it was going to cost to put up a building to fit and some suggestions on how to save some of that cost.  A lot of things to think about! 
One of the things we have to seriously consider in the next several weeks is where we are going to build.  There have been many suggestions of what might work, but as yet no decisions have been made.  This is something that we will need to spend some time in prayer about, seeking God's direction.  It will not be an easy decision for any of us. 
Another thing that will have to be figured out is "How big?"  There is definitely a possibility of growth with a new building in a new location, but no way to judge or even estimate how much there could be.  Another matter for prayer..
One more thing to be praying for is our financial situation.  We will have an insurance payout finalized sometime in the near future, but there will not be enough to build.  The reality is, what we will get for insurance will in all likelihood not be more than a third of what we will need for a new building.  Raising the kind of cash it will take to build will be no small feat, though with God all things are possible.
I said in my last post that we as a church need to feel the call to prayer.  Prayer is and will remain the most important ingredient in this process.  It will help us find the direction we are to take in these matters, it will help us see the miraculous provision of God and most of all, it will be the ingredient of unity for our church family. 
Our building committee will be meeting for the first time on Monday evening at 7.  At that meeting, we will decide on a chair for the committee and jump into this process with both feet.  We will soon have some suggestions to bring to the LBA  which will in turn be brought before the church.  And so it begins.... May God be with us as we seek to serve Him! 

1 comment:

  1. sounds awesome! we'll be expecting and excited to see the new building started when we're home in July :).
