Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our Planning has Begun

The building committee met together for the first time on Monday, April 11th.  Earl Prime was elected as chair of the committee and Victoria Brooks was elected to the role of secretary.  Most of our discussion was centered on location of a new building and as we talked, I was encouraged to hear the conversation continually coming back to seeking God's direction.  This will be the first of many meetings for this dedicated group of individuals and I would ask that much prayer be offered for each and every member of our committee as we seek to honor God and make recommendations to the church.

It was again reiterated to the members of the committee that they have been given the mandate to put together recommendations for a building site, a building size and floor plan and a budget that will be taken to the LBA for final approval before being presented to the church. 

In conjunction with the building plan, the LBA will be working to decide where and how we are going to get the funds to pay for our building.  We are probably looking at a price tag of somewhere in the $750,000 on the very low end to somewhere over $1,000,000 on the higher end.  This is a huge matter of concern. We know our God can and will provide, and we are trusting that He will lay it on the hearts of many to contribute to this project both financially and through the donation of labor. If you are feeling burdened to give, you are welcome to send a contribution to Havelock Wesleyan Church Building Fund, 4473 Rt. 340, Weymouth, NS, B0W 3T0. 

In all of the discussion about a new building, our old site was not forgotten and concern was expressed that it had not yet been cleaned up.  That process is underway, but it has to be taken one step at a time, as the insurance company gives us permission.  Contractors have been spoken with and quotes submitted for the cleanup, and it is really now just a matter of waiting for the go ahead.  Once the investigation process is completed, that go ahead will be forth coming.  It is important in this that we do not run ahead and forfeit some of the payout we are to receive. 

The LBA is scheduled to meet on April 19th at which time a series of "town hall" meetings will be scheduled where we can get together as a church body to discuss the progress of our building plans, what the future holds for us and how we can best honor our Savior in all of this.  Until then, the next steps include more church tours, already arranged for Friday afternoon, and more meetings to draw up plans.  Continue watching for more updates as this exciting phase in the life of Havelock Wesleyan Church unfolds. 


  1. As the rest of the people, Our family is praying for direction. I feel a push,that a discussion is needed with the body to find a location to build our new building, with prayer first and foremost, at least with a location this would help to put together a plan for a building. With a decision made on a location this would provide closure from the old place and excitement for the new,for the congregation.


  2. LBA is local board of administration... And please be patient for a meeting... there is one on the very near horizon.
