Thursday, May 5, 2011

Firefighter Appreciation Supper

Thursday evening we held a supper at our new location to show our appreciation to the volunteers who showed up at the church the evening of March 22nd and worked tirelessly to save the parsonage and look after our family.  I was impressed with the number of firefighters who showed up and overwhelmed by the food that was brought in by our church family.

Many thanks go to all the folks who worked to pull this together!  It was your efforts that made this a night well done and allowed us to show these wonderful men and women just how much we appreciate all they have done for us.  May God richly bless each and every one who was a part of making this evening a success!

On the building front, we held our information and discussion meeting on Tuesday.  Many of our folks were able to express what was on their hearts concerning the location of our new building and most, if not all, came away with a sense that in all of this we need to be diligently seeking God's direction.  We chatted  about the old church site as well as the piece of land that has been offered by Harriet and Hallett Sabean and some other options that could be considered should we feel God directing us to move that way.

On May 17th we will be gathering for our annual meeting and at that time, will also vote on location.  Please continue to fast and pray as we seek God's direction in this matter of location as well as consider building size, style and design.  There are some big steps ahead of us, but God is good and He can and will provide as we continue to lean on Him.

1 comment:

  1. What a time we had! With willing hearts, we opened our doors, and lives, to the volunteers who protect our homes and properties from fire. I was touched by the concerns the fire departments have for our small country church family. It seems that each person who came to have supper with us, and accept our thanks, really wants to see our new building come about and see our family settle once again in a spot we can call home.
    The men and women who volunteer in our departments do a great job. It was great fun to spend time together and enjoy good food. I know God will bless them for their service.
