Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Location Picked

It has been an extra long stretch since an update on our rebuilding has been posted and I must apologize to those who have been anxiously awaiting news of our progress.  I have been telling people for the last couple weeks that we were to have a vote on Tuesday, May 17th to determine where we were at with regards to land acquisition for a new church location and so now I must share an update as to the results of that meeting and vote.  

On Tuesday evening, the first thing that was asked for was an official motion that we disregard the old building site as a possible rebuilding place due to the number of factors against it, including restricted visibility being at the bottom of a blind knoll, proximity to the brook and limited room for growth.  That motion was made and passed with no contest and we moved on to talk about alternate locations.  

Previously, a piece of Harriet and Hallett Sabean's land in Hassetts had been presented as a possible site.  This piece was offered to us free and after investigation, was deemed a very feasible site.  Other sites in the Weymouth area were investigated and costs presented.  They were also feasible, but were a greater distance from our original community and were far more costly, in the range of $100,000 or more by the time land work would have been completed.  These were presented as options to our church membership and the vote was as follows:  accept the piece of land from the Sabeans or continue to pursue alternative options.  The vote was cast by ballot and the tally showed 42 for accepting the Sabean's offer and 6 for pursuing alternative options.  With a convincing majority, we have begun the process of accepting the offer from Harriet and Hallett and are thanking God for their generosity!  

On another note, the building committee will be travelling to Truro area this coming weekend for further church tours and a meeting with Art Heibert in which we will chat about audio and video issues to be aware of in a new building.  A meeting will then be held within the next couple weeks where we will begin to pull together our thoughts and ideas and get them ready to present to an architect to come up with a drawing for us.  If you are a part of our church and have some suggestions for things that we need or ought to include in the new building, this would be the time to present them to us.  Just write them down on a piece of paper and submit them to any of our committee members.  We do want to hear from you.  

Please continue to be in prayer for this matter.  We are still a long way from having a building up.  There are details to be ironed out concerning the property.  There are plans to be thought out and drawn up.  And then there is money to raise.  All of these things will take time, but prayer can and will help keep them moving along smoothly!  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Firefighter Appreciation Supper

Thursday evening we held a supper at our new location to show our appreciation to the volunteers who showed up at the church the evening of March 22nd and worked tirelessly to save the parsonage and look after our family.  I was impressed with the number of firefighters who showed up and overwhelmed by the food that was brought in by our church family.

Many thanks go to all the folks who worked to pull this together!  It was your efforts that made this a night well done and allowed us to show these wonderful men and women just how much we appreciate all they have done for us.  May God richly bless each and every one who was a part of making this evening a success!

On the building front, we held our information and discussion meeting on Tuesday.  Many of our folks were able to express what was on their hearts concerning the location of our new building and most, if not all, came away with a sense that in all of this we need to be diligently seeking God's direction.  We chatted  about the old church site as well as the piece of land that has been offered by Harriet and Hallett Sabean and some other options that could be considered should we feel God directing us to move that way.

On May 17th we will be gathering for our annual meeting and at that time, will also vote on location.  Please continue to fast and pray as we seek God's direction in this matter of location as well as consider building size, style and design.  There are some big steps ahead of us, but God is good and He can and will provide as we continue to lean on Him.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Church Meeting

Although it seems like forever, only a week has passed since the cleanup of our church lot.  Not much has happened on the building front since last Monday, but we do now have our lighted sign back and the trenches that were dug across the backyard of the parsonage to run underground wires are filled in, have been levelled out nicely with topsoil and are seeded down with grass seed.

Tonight, Tuesday, May 3rd, at 7 pm, we have called a meeting to allow our church folks to voice their opinions of where they would like to see a new church built.  Many rumors have passed around the community as to where the new building will be, but as yet, no plans have been made.  Some possible sights have been investigated and questions asked concerning viability, but nothing has been decided.  And nothing will be decided tonight.  The intent of the meeting is simply to give the membership of our church an opportunity to talk and a vote will not take place until at least May 17th when we have our annual meeting scheduled.

We have challenged our church to set aside time on Wednesdays for prayer and fasting.  This is an important juncture in the history of Havelock Wesleyan and the decisions we make in the next several months will have a direct impact on the effectiveness of our church for many years to come.  It is of utmost importance that we set aside time to specifically pray about these decisions, not only sharing our desires with God, but asking what His desire is and taking time to listen to what He has to say.  If we all are seeking His leading with a willing heart and a listening ear, this process will go much smoother.  It is when we let "me" get in the way of Him that the hurdles will become insurmountable.

Keep praying.  Listen carefully when the Spirit speaks and be willing to do what God asks.  And above all, let your life shine brightly for Jesus as we press ahead for the glory of His Kingdom.