Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Things are Happening

We had a wonderful sod turning ceremony last evening and some exciting things are under way.  There is a bulldozer on the site this afternoon pushing back the topsoil and we are well under way with building plans.  There is still lots of work to do on them yet, but we are anticipating a great meeting on Monday evening (August 22, 7pm at the church) as we present the concept plans to the church family.  Please continue to pray, pray, pray and give what God is asking of you!  Including some pics of some of the happenings so far.

The hill on which our Church will be built.
Hallett Sabean getting ready to turn the first sod.
Starting the Driveway

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sod Turning

Just a quick note to let as many people as possible know that we are having a sod-turning ceremony at our new building sight on Tuesday, August 16 at 7 pm.  Please come out and join us as we take time to pray over our new property once again and ask God to be with our building project.

There are still lots of details to work out with our building plan, but there will soon be some heavy equipment on the sight to begin to do some land moving and levelling.  You may have noticed that we already have a driveway in place.  Be watching here for pics of the work that is being done and updates on the building plans.

And for those of you who are a part of our church, we would appreciate your thoughts and input when we get together for a church wide meeting on August 22 at 7pm at our temporary location in Weymouth.  This meeting will introduce you to our initial building concept and will give you an opportunity for feedback.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Exciting News

Our application for subdivision of the new property is completed!  The papers landed at my home last evening and that means that in a relatively short amount of time we will have a deed to the property in our hands as well. It is exciting to see these little details finally coming together!  Now it will be on to concentrating completely on the next phase which is getting our building plans finalized and starting some of the land work.

A building committee meeting was held last Tuesday.  We are coming right along with the floor plans and will soon have some drawings to present to the church for approval.  Most of our committee visited our future site on Thursday morning when some stakes were placed in the ground to give us a pretty good idea where the new building will sit as well as the septic system.  As you drive past, be watching for little developments on the grounds as soon there may be a driveway and some land levelling may begin.  There are also some temporary signs on order and as soon as they are ready, we will have them installed on the road to let the world know what is happening in Hassetts.  

The committee will meet again this week on Wednesday evening and hopefully we will come out of that meeting ready to meet with the church again.  We will definitely keep you updated on that front, but be watching and please come out to share your thoughts and ideas at that meeting.  We need and want as many of our church folks as possible to get on board with us on this project!  

Thanks so much for continuing to check here for updates.  There is lots more exciting ones to come as the days slide by.  Continue to pray that God would send a miracle our way and finances for this building would come sweeping in so we can get started on the construction phase.  There is still a ways to go.  And praise the Lord for the money He has provided so far.  He will continue to provide as we continue to trust Him!